Monday, 9 November 2009

Small Tweaks can mean Bigger Profits

How to Profit on eBay - 5 Small Tweaks to Boost Your Sales

Have you ever wondered if there's anything else you can do to get more sales on eBay? Do you see your competition getting ahead of you, and think there must be something I can do to catch up, or even overtake them?

You may think your eBay listings are as good as you can make them - but are they? Here are a few things you can try that may be enough to boost your sales and get you back in the mix. They're only small things, but as they say 'all good things come in small parcels!'

1.   Listing Titles.  Have you ever noticed how some people use CAPITALS for ALL their words in a Listing on eBay? There's a school of opinion that it's 'not the done thing', and may even be a form of 'shouting' as in text speak. On the other hand, some studies have shown an increase of around 20% in hits using all capitals, so it may well be worth trying.

2.   White Space.  If you have a long listing describing your item in detail (which you should have by the way), make sure you have plenty of 'white space'. Use short paragraphs with double spacing between each and let the 'dog see the rabbit', i.e. your detailed description should be read easily. Readers get bored very quickly with long text and will leave.

3.   Scrolling Galleries.  If you use a scrolling gallery to showcase your products (it's a great idea if you have lots to sell), then you probably use something like 'Auctiva' or 'Vendio'. Make sure the scrolling gallery is sited at the bottom of your listing so you don't distract from the item you're currently selling.

4.   Auction Templates  Do you use auction templates for your listings? If you do then make sure the template you choose is relevant to your business. Also choose a template where the photos are either on the left or the right, and not top or bottom. This way your potential buyer can see your photos as they scroll through your listing. Tests have shown this can improve the selling rate by as much as 15%.

5.   Shipping and Returns.  Although eBay give you a box to enter your shipping and returns policies, try putting them at the bottom of your description. Most people (me included) always like to know the details of these things before clicking any buttons. I like to know the shipping method and cost etc don't you?

These may only be small things, but if you're struggling a little bit give them a try. An improved click rate of 15% here or 20% there may be just what you want!

If even these tips don't work, and you want to start all over again from the beginning, have a look at 'Secrets of an Ebay Powerseller' by Amanda O'Brien. She will show you how to earn between £350 - £2,500 a week selling on eBay. Starting from scratch she shows exactly what you have to do, what products to sell, how to list properly, what profit margins to look for - literally EVERYTHING you will ever need to know. It's a proper book too, so you can have it next to you as you do it! Get your copy HERE NOW and live the dream.

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